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The Romanian Crown bestowed to King Ferdinand 90 years ago, on 15 October 1922, at the Coronation ceremonial in Alba-Iulia.

The Crown Princess Margarita of Romania, Prince Radu and Prince Nicholas of Romania are scheduled to attend the 90 years celebrations of this important royal event in Alba-Iulia (Transylvania).

The Romanian Coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie, Alba-Iulia 15 October 1922

The Times, 17 October 1922:

“Meaning of the Coronation” by R.W.Seton-Watson:

The Coronation of King Ferdinand as sovereign of Great Romania is an event of more than local significance, for it is intended to symbolize those national rights upon which the new Succession States rest, as against the dynastic rights to which the old Hapsburg Monarchy owed its existence  […]


I endeavour in the “Weekly Pictures” post series to bring to light worthy of note, often less known images from the royal past and present and thus further enhance the understanding of Royal History and what it represents to us.

Weekly picture: Diana Mandache’s Weblog ROYAL HISTORY

